GyroStim provides the fastest and most effective treatment for overcoming persistent symptoms so you can get back to school, sports, work ...and life.
Are you seeking treatment for symptoms following head injury, mTBI, or concussion?
GyroStim provides breakthrough therapeutic treatment that rehabilitates the source of the problem: vestibular dysfunction. Some of the symptoms of vestibular dysfunction GyroStim can actively treat include:
headache and migraine
brain fog and mental fatigue
memory loss
sensitivity to light and noise
Often referred to as ‘the invisible injury’, head injuries, concussion, mTBI, and many neurological conditions can cause vestibular dysfunction which disrupts the functional performance of the sensorimotor system.
The sensorimotor system is the network of sensory receptors (eyes, ears, balance organs, etc.), the brain, and motor systems (physical response) that allow you to interact with the world around you. The vestibular system is a vital contributor to the complex processes occurring within the sensorimotor system.
Concussion, mTBI, head injury, illnesses such as Long COVID, and many neurological conditions can interfere with the brain's ability to process vestibular, vision, and other sensory information. This can disrupt sensorimotor processing which can manifest in a wide range of debilitating symptoms that make even the simplest 'everyday activities’ in life become a challenge and at times unbearable.
Fortunately, the sensorimotor system has neuroplastic capabilities. With effective and targeted therapeutic treatment, rehabilitation is possible, and this is where GyroStim can help.
anxiety / emotional fragility
sleep disorder
motion sensitivity
vision problems
poor balance
It's never too late.
No matter how severe your concussion symptoms are, and no matter how long or how hard you have been trying to recover - there is hope. Neuroplasticity does not expire - it is a lifelong ability of the brain to change and rewire - and with vestibular therapy and targeted sensorimotor treatment, improved quality of life and in many cases complete recovery is possible.
GyroStim therapy promotes neuroplasticity. It has helped thousands of people recover from concussion, including those who have suffered for years with debilitating symptoms of vestibular dysfunction following a head injury.
You don't have to "learn to live with it".
If you are just beginning your recovery, or if you have suffered for years and exhausted all other therapy options, and especially if you have been told to "learn to live with it" or "give it more time"...
...it's time for GyroStim.