Methods & Strategies Innovative Clinical Applications
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Methodology & Strategies

GyroStim's innovative methodology, strategies, and capabilities have created a new paradigm and a new era for highly-effective motion-induced therapies for a wide range of conditions.

GyroStim and Neuroplasticity

Neuroplasticity has become a driving force behind new and improved rehabilitation strategies for a multitude of neurological conditions and dysfunctions.


GyroStim is designed to administer therapeutic treatment strategies that provide repetitious challenge to the human nervous system to change its activity in response to intrinsic or extrinsic stimuli by reorganizing its structure, functions, or connections, A.K.A., neuroplasticity.


GyroStim has unique capabilities for administering incremental challenges that target the nervous system's ability to perceive, process, and react to stimuli. These challenges are presented in a methodical, repetitious, and strategic approach that promotes functional improvement through neuroplasticity.  Essentially, GyroStim treatment helps the brain heal itself.

GyroStim Flowchart

Run-to-Run Progression Strategy

UltraThera Technologies, the maker of GyroStim, collaborated with research scientists at the Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center (DVBIC) and US Army researchers at Ft. Carson, Colorado, in the development of a run-to-run progression strategy for clinical applications using GyroStim to improve the functional performance of the sensorimotor system.


The collaboration resulted in a data-driven methodology that can be expressed in a flow chart. The flow chart describes the strategic run-to-run progression strategy that utilizes subjective data and objective data for clinical decision support (CDS).


This data-driven approach produces therapy sessions that are optimized for efficiency and efficacy, while protecting the patient from overstimulation.



Sensorimotor Function

The sensorimotor system is the complex network of sensory input and motor output signals running throughout your body that interconnect with your brain.


This system allows you to perceive, process, and react to what is happening around you: 


  • PERCEIVE: Detailed information about what is happening in the world around you is sensed through the eyes (vision), ears (hearing), vestibular system (balance), and other parts of the sensory nervous system and transmitted to the brain. 

  • PROCESS: Sensory information received and distributed throughout the brain, igniting a cascade of processing activity as the brain goes to work, forming an appropriate response to the perceived sensory information. 

  • REACT: Once sensory information has been processed, you may react with any combination of thoughts, verbal response, and voluntary or involuntary motor commands which are fired throughout the brain and body to execute the intended reaction.


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Copyright 2024 UltraThera Technologies, Inc.

Examples of enhancement strategies

Physical / Situational


To exercise sensorimotor challenges specific

to the individual.


  • Passive: rotate while staring at a fixed point inside the rotating chair

  • Rotation while actively pursuing targets, with the option to engage in cognitive activities

  • Eye-patch on dominant or non-dominant eye

  • Subject wears sports gear (i.e. football helmet, hockey helmet) during session

  • Crowd/stadium noise or other appropriate background recordings are played loudly to add distraction and force concentration during the run



Various ways to engage and challenge

hand-eye coordination and sensorimotor

stimulation throughout the human body.


  • Laser in the dominant or non-dominant hand

  • One laser in each hand, alternate left / right hand in sequence

  • One laser in each hand, alternate left / right per clinician's verbal commands

  • Laser mounted on head with headgear, or on other parts of the body as needed

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Additional cognitive challenges

during GyroStim training to improve

multi-tasking and brain processing

capability. While rotating and hitting targets:


  • Counting up or down in sequence

  • Simple or complex math equations

  • Familiar list recitation

  • Short or long-term recall challenges




Laser-detecting targets offer

strategies for reinforcing

visuomotor, spatial awareness,

and discernment.


  • Targets placed at same or varying heights

  • Targets placed at same or varying distance.

  • Targets identified by colors, numbers, letters or shapes.

  • Custom targets: relevant to subject such as aircraft instrument panel

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